Thursday, August 25, 2011

Questions on Ho'ponopono.

Hi Folks !

How's Life?!

When we were in school, there used to be small 'autograph books' which got passed around at the end of the year for sentimental or funny messages.

I remember a couple of them -

'Your life lies before you
Like a sheet of untrodden snow.
Be careful how you tread it
For every print will show'!

It used to be written very solemnly and received equally gravely without the slightest idea of the troubles which may befall or even 'treading on snow'!

There was another favourite one going around -

Your life is an echo, all comes back
The good, bad, false and the true
So give the world the best you have
And the best comes back to you'!

And now when you look back, you realise that these words were so true!

Have you accessed Kat Miller's Switchwords?

She gives a phrase for the day - every day!


It means 'Resolve conflicts and reunite to support, creating a deep focus'.

Go to your breath a few times and repeat this in your mind.

Any results you would like to share any time, you are most welcome!

There are 2 questions on the wonderful technique of Ho'ponopono from Farida.

Let's take them one by one.

1. What is the right method of doing Ho'ponopono?

Become aware of your breath for a few minutes.

When you practise on your breath a few times, you will get into a rhythm and your mind will quieten faster.

Bring the person in your mind.

Say the four sentences -

I am sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you.

I love you.

Alternatively, let your mind be blank, then repeat the sentences a few times.

Someone or other usually pops up and stays for a while.

2.Do I have to chant 'Ho'ponopono' along with the 4 lines?

No, Ho'ponopono is the name of the meditation or technique.

It means 'to right a wrong'.

Or 'to rectify an error'.

If there are tears, let them flow.

Sometimes, one may realise after a while that there are only the first 2 or the last 2 sentences being said.

Go to the whole set with awareness but if this repeats, it's fine.

You may owe only those feelings to that person.

Let your higher self decide and follow it.

Let me give you a Switchword phrase you can use every day - !


It means Today is an enchanted, brilliant and captivating day!

Go on, create your own magic!


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