Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sometimes, it is the Parents -

Hi Folks !

How's life been with you?

I had a practical test of my equanimity as there was a bereavement in the family and I had to leave my Vipassana course within 5 days of starting it.

I think I passed.
I could be where I was needed.

Life is so much about 'in the mean time' -
We make plans and dream and forget to live in the present.

Today, let me tell you about a subject which seems to keep popping in my sessions every now and then.

Some cases have taken the lead to their father or mother's behaviour in one or more past lives which is stopping any long lasting happiness or success coming their own way.

Let me give a few examples.

A girl wanted to know if she would marry some one particular she was interested in.
No, it was not going to happen, with good reasons, and she came to terms with what came up.
She had other queries more pressing about her career and she went back satisfied.

A few months later, she was back again wanting to know about someone else.
We kept peeling off the layers and she could finally get to the root, which was her father's dealing cruelly with others in many past lives.

In this life too, she said her father's ego, his short temper and hurtful words for everyone created a constant, unhappy air in their home which did not let anyone be happy.

Her sister was divorced and staying with them, with her children.
Her brother too was not happy in his marriage and she was yet to get married.

'We all know my father loves us and worries over us, but he won't budge from his stance,' she said.
If only he'd come for a session, she said wistfully, the whole family's fortune might change.

But of course he did not believe in PLR.

She let go of her own ego when she saw how she was messing up her own happiness in trying to conform to family obligations and traditions and freed herself of the larger shadow too.

In another case, after an intense session, a young man wondered if the root cause was with his father, the misdeed in one of his past lives which was affecting his family since then.

This man's mother remains ill all the time with innumerable illnesses. He himself had a long, painful relationship which left him feeling used, he got out and married but is divorced now, and his sister is unsettled in her married life, unable to balance her career and home.

The father is in a very high post, full of self-importance and refuses to believe there could have been something in his own deeds even in a remote past which is affecting his family now.

Usually, it is someone's helpless cry or anguish or angry words which become powerful curses, which then follow the person over many, many lifetimes, singeing him and his family.

These people have been self-centered, power-hungry Kings or cruel money-lenders or warlords obsessed with conquests.
But those who have obeyed blindly, killed, raped, maimed , thinking it would be the King's karma and not theirs, they come back and suffer.

In such cases, guiding a client clear his or her individual past helps to an extent , then the failure in marriage or business or whatever, reappears in a different form, because the curse to the parent has been to - ' be as unhappy as you have made us', or ' you will suffer the same trauma. You will cry, feel helpless as you made us feel'.

Similarly, there was a daughter who wanted to know why her ' poor mother ' suffered so much.
She had been treated badly by the husband and now the only son's wife was also ill-treating her.

As I told the girl to take the session as the mother was almost deaf, lots more tumbled out.
They were 5 sisters, none married and the daughter-in-law had left to stay with the parents, refusing to come back to live with her husband.

This girl could not go to any past life of her mother's, not even a happy one as a bird or animal or mineral.
The father had died and she could not accept there could be something in his past life either.

She was also unconvinced about Ho'oponopono - ' why should my poor mother say sorry to anyone when she is the one suffering everything? ' was her question.

This could have been a family indulging in power or riches or fought wars together and are now suffering together but they have not yet evolved enough to understand that they have to experience the consequences of what they dish out to others.

Many such cases come up, where the seed has been sown by someone else, but because we have been a part of the large group or family who followed blindly or enjoyed the reflected power and glory, the fear created in others, we suffer now.

Every account has to be balanced, every debt cleared.
The slate has to be cleaned.

The problems are in almost every aspect of our life - no good jobs, static careers, toxic environment at home or in office, thefts, financial loss, no marriage, no children, various illnesses -

Some times, it is the bigger picture which needs to be cleared, which can be done to a large extent if the client is aware, patient and willing to come a few times.

So that's life, as we have planned it, to experience all kinds of emotions and enjoy creation.
The sooner we take charge of our own life, the more powerful we would be in dealing with it. (or ourselves !).

Take care and do Ho'oponopono.
It is beautiful and powerful.

Love -

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