Hi Folks !
How are you ?
It's March, already, can you believe it?!
And it's been so long since I came here.
Work, more work and Cervical Spondylosis.
My new - found ailment has given me huge insights, but I shall come to that later.
Let's talk about this interesting topic.
The Afterlife which comes after every life,
Recently, this question has been popping up many times
I take hundreds of Past Life Regression sessions every year.
People come to resolve issues of anger, loss, loneliness, jealousy, relationships going nowhere, fears, depression -
One comes to know the seed cause of every kind of problem and curiosity through this safe method.
One also comes to know exactly what to do in the rest of one's current life to be happy and achieve whatever one had set out to.
Many times, people are concerned with the afterlife more than the current one.
They mention with pride the donations they make, the regularity of their fasts or rituals, visits to holy places and the deity or holy man / woman they utterly, completely believe in.
' I want to go to his / her feet, after my death,' they say with complete humility.
' That's my salvation, my Moksha.'
After a few gentle, probing questions too, their definition of what will happen to them after death has a large dose of being in their Master's or God's divine presence.
No idea doing what, or how long.
All such decisions are left to the supreme being who will decide what to do with them.
I have no problem with any of this.
In the session, I take them through past lives right up to their deaths,
They leave the body, stand outside it and understand, experience, that it is the body which has died and 'they' are fine.
I guide them to take stock of the life they have just finished and most of them can now look at the bigger picture.
Mostly, they acknowledge their mistakes and understand what they could have done better.
Once in this stage, when they realize the life just gone by was just a part of the bigger picture which they had themselves designed, there isn't too much of anger or fear or hatred.
Most are able to connect to the person who has come to receive them on the other side and go with him or her.
Where do they go ?
Sometimes, I ask to find out.
'A place to rest. Can't describe but it is peaceful. Meeting all my loved ones, no, all were not there in the last life.' are some answers I get.
After a while, there is a meeting of all the souls with whom we had made a contract before taking birth and having died before we did,
It is usually a somber occasion for the new entrant as he / she has to face up to what got left out on earth, the contracts made here and broken there because the habit pattern could not be broken.
The result of such behaviour which those who are there and also on those who are still living on earth, still undergoing the result of one's selfishness or indifference or ego or greed or whatever.
One takes stock, sometimes finds ways to reach out and connect with those still living and apologize.
And then, decide what to do next.
Some choose to come asap, others want to stay there, learn something, help out in different ways - there is guidance at hand, from high souls who have evolved more and are able to suggest if asked.
As we evolve, and while on earth, stop reacting with our baser instincts like killing, maiming, stealing, raping, mass murders - we have more and more clarity and control over our decisions about the Afterlife as well as the new one we are going to choose.
We have to pay for hurting when we are there too, as some people discovered to their horror.
God-fearing, devoted, donated huge amounts to temples or trusts but hurt others in various ways -
They found themselves in hot or arid places,
There was burning or intense heaviness,
Pain, loneliness, helplessness.
Whatever places they were in, they were not nice by any standard.
Their self - defined good deeds had not helped them avoid this phase, nor faith in who so ever they had prayed to.
Lesson to imbibe?
Our Afterlife depends entirely on our current life.
If we decide to be nasty our whole life through and change in the last few months or moments, the reprieve over there is also going to be of a few moments or months.
Whether you believe in afterlife or not, you can not argue over there that had you but known, you would have been a shining example of exemplary behaviour.
All religions stress good behaviour.
Do not hurt anyone in any way.
Be good, do good.
Be connected as much with others as with yourself.
There is this intense tsunami of loneliness blowing through the world.
There is too much of individuality in some places, lack of freedom in others.
Improve the quality of your current life.
Then you don't have to worry about the Afterlife.
Even if it is there, it will be good because you have ensured it.
Ciao for now.
My lessons from my aches and pains ?
Next time, and I shall write before 12th March.
Promise !
How are you ?
It's March, already, can you believe it?!
And it's been so long since I came here.
Work, more work and Cervical Spondylosis.
My new - found ailment has given me huge insights, but I shall come to that later.
Let's talk about this interesting topic.
The Afterlife which comes after every life,
Recently, this question has been popping up many times
I take hundreds of Past Life Regression sessions every year.
People come to resolve issues of anger, loss, loneliness, jealousy, relationships going nowhere, fears, depression -
One comes to know the seed cause of every kind of problem and curiosity through this safe method.
One also comes to know exactly what to do in the rest of one's current life to be happy and achieve whatever one had set out to.
Many times, people are concerned with the afterlife more than the current one.
They mention with pride the donations they make, the regularity of their fasts or rituals, visits to holy places and the deity or holy man / woman they utterly, completely believe in.
' I want to go to his / her feet, after my death,' they say with complete humility.
' That's my salvation, my Moksha.'
After a few gentle, probing questions too, their definition of what will happen to them after death has a large dose of being in their Master's or God's divine presence.
No idea doing what, or how long.
All such decisions are left to the supreme being who will decide what to do with them.
I have no problem with any of this.
In the session, I take them through past lives right up to their deaths,
They leave the body, stand outside it and understand, experience, that it is the body which has died and 'they' are fine.
I guide them to take stock of the life they have just finished and most of them can now look at the bigger picture.
Mostly, they acknowledge their mistakes and understand what they could have done better.
Once in this stage, when they realize the life just gone by was just a part of the bigger picture which they had themselves designed, there isn't too much of anger or fear or hatred.
Most are able to connect to the person who has come to receive them on the other side and go with him or her.
Where do they go ?
Sometimes, I ask to find out.
'A place to rest. Can't describe but it is peaceful. Meeting all my loved ones, no, all were not there in the last life.' are some answers I get.
After a while, there is a meeting of all the souls with whom we had made a contract before taking birth and having died before we did,
It is usually a somber occasion for the new entrant as he / she has to face up to what got left out on earth, the contracts made here and broken there because the habit pattern could not be broken.
The result of such behaviour which those who are there and also on those who are still living on earth, still undergoing the result of one's selfishness or indifference or ego or greed or whatever.
One takes stock, sometimes finds ways to reach out and connect with those still living and apologize.
And then, decide what to do next.
Some choose to come asap, others want to stay there, learn something, help out in different ways - there is guidance at hand, from high souls who have evolved more and are able to suggest if asked.
As we evolve, and while on earth, stop reacting with our baser instincts like killing, maiming, stealing, raping, mass murders - we have more and more clarity and control over our decisions about the Afterlife as well as the new one we are going to choose.
We have to pay for hurting when we are there too, as some people discovered to their horror.
God-fearing, devoted, donated huge amounts to temples or trusts but hurt others in various ways -
They found themselves in hot or arid places,
There was burning or intense heaviness,
Pain, loneliness, helplessness.
Whatever places they were in, they were not nice by any standard.
Their self - defined good deeds had not helped them avoid this phase, nor faith in who so ever they had prayed to.
Lesson to imbibe?
Our Afterlife depends entirely on our current life.
If we decide to be nasty our whole life through and change in the last few months or moments, the reprieve over there is also going to be of a few moments or months.
Whether you believe in afterlife or not, you can not argue over there that had you but known, you would have been a shining example of exemplary behaviour.
All religions stress good behaviour.
Do not hurt anyone in any way.
Be good, do good.
Be connected as much with others as with yourself.
There is this intense tsunami of loneliness blowing through the world.
There is too much of individuality in some places, lack of freedom in others.
Improve the quality of your current life.
Then you don't have to worry about the Afterlife.
Even if it is there, it will be good because you have ensured it.
Ciao for now.
My lessons from my aches and pains ?
Next time, and I shall write before 12th March.
Promise !
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