Hi Folks !
How's life ?!
Respect it, understand it,
It is exactly as you planned it.
I am back as promised but with a set of questions I want to answer before I take off for Vipassana.
The insights about aches and pains, next time.
Here are the questions -
A.1. Let's s - t - a - r - t at the very beginning.
A very good place to start.
Right ?
Ho'ponopono is a Hawaiian word which means ' to right a wrong '.
It is acknowledging that for something bad to happen to me, a disability, poverty, abuse, loneliness - whatever, maybe, in some distant past life, I had hurt or harmed someone or had not thanked someone helping me when I had needed the help.
The first 2 lines
1. I am sorry.
2. Please forgive me, are to apologize for whatever harm we may have done.
The next 2 lines
3. I love you.
4. Thank you are to give gratitude.
Right from our first lifetime to the current one, almost to this moment, we have not done either.
Due to ignorance, indifference, pig - pigheadedness - whatever.
That energy has already been generated because we did a wrong or someone did a right thing for us.
It has not been given back to that person in that lifetime.
It now comes along with us as baggage after our death, turning into a habit pattern of ego, growing like a jagged, dirty, stinky wall around us, very close to us.
All good things which are to happen to us because we have earned them and planned them, do not reach us because they crash against this wall and dissipate.
All the good that we want to do, does not reach the right people because this wall is in the way.
In hundreds and hundreds of past life sessions that I have done, no god has ever come, either during the lifetimes to do some magic or after death to take a person to heaven.
No Lord or Guru has come to forgive the mistakes and bless with a great life and afterlife.
Never, not once.
Stories should remain stories and you can believe in their doing things for you in real life, only at your own peril.
In short, god does not do any magic.
You will immensely increase the value of your own life if you say sorry, because, it would start to melt your ego which made you hurt / harm someone then, and is stopping you from apologizing now.
But it has to be heartfelt.
Even the feeling that maybe I could have done some wrong is good enough to start.
But if this thought does not accompany, stop saying the 4 sentences right away.
They will do nothing for you other than irritate you more.
And they are not going to clear any of your past Karma.
It is possible that before taking this birth, when you were complete consciousness, you scanned yourself and realized that to pay back for past deeds, you needed to come with a physical disability.
How you go through this, will show what value you put on your own chosen learning.
How's life ?!
Respect it, understand it,
It is exactly as you planned it.
I am back as promised but with a set of questions I want to answer before I take off for Vipassana.
The insights about aches and pains, next time.
Here are the questions -
Q. 1] I am practicing Hooponopono.
I am getting a bad feeling while saying I am sorry [I am unable to say it]
[But will say it for saying sake without any expectations let the god do magic if he is there] because.
I am getting a bad feeling while saying I am sorry [I am unable to say it]
[But will say it for saying sake without any expectations let the god do magic if he is there] because.
If I say I am sorry what value will my life of suffering will have.
Value – meaning – for 30 years I am fighting with my handicap & due to this I have to make my choice very limited like not enjoying my youth at fullest. The choices is coming for my life partner, I have not find any till now.
A.1. Let's s - t - a - r - t at the very beginning.
A very good place to start.
Right ?
Ho'ponopono is a Hawaiian word which means ' to right a wrong '.
It is acknowledging that for something bad to happen to me, a disability, poverty, abuse, loneliness - whatever, maybe, in some distant past life, I had hurt or harmed someone or had not thanked someone helping me when I had needed the help.
The first 2 lines
1. I am sorry.
2. Please forgive me, are to apologize for whatever harm we may have done.
The next 2 lines
3. I love you.
4. Thank you are to give gratitude.
Right from our first lifetime to the current one, almost to this moment, we have not done either.
Due to ignorance, indifference, pig - pigheadedness - whatever.
That energy has already been generated because we did a wrong or someone did a right thing for us.
It has not been given back to that person in that lifetime.
It now comes along with us as baggage after our death, turning into a habit pattern of ego, growing like a jagged, dirty, stinky wall around us, very close to us.
All good things which are to happen to us because we have earned them and planned them, do not reach us because they crash against this wall and dissipate.
All the good that we want to do, does not reach the right people because this wall is in the way.
In hundreds and hundreds of past life sessions that I have done, no god has ever come, either during the lifetimes to do some magic or after death to take a person to heaven.
No Lord or Guru has come to forgive the mistakes and bless with a great life and afterlife.
Never, not once.
Stories should remain stories and you can believe in their doing things for you in real life, only at your own peril.
In short, god does not do any magic.
You will immensely increase the value of your own life if you say sorry, because, it would start to melt your ego which made you hurt / harm someone then, and is stopping you from apologizing now.
But it has to be heartfelt.
Even the feeling that maybe I could have done some wrong is good enough to start.
But if this thought does not accompany, stop saying the 4 sentences right away.
They will do nothing for you other than irritate you more.
And they are not going to clear any of your past Karma.
It is possible that before taking this birth, when you were complete consciousness, you scanned yourself and realized that to pay back for past deeds, you needed to come with a physical disability.
How you go through this, will show what value you put on your own chosen learning.
Q.2. I come to understand that karma of 2 or more life beings gives us the lessons to learn in this lifetime. If I am suffering there should be other someone, life being, for this suffering as we say action reaction - equal and opposite.
As I have suffered for 30 years I will square off by giving suffering to my counterpart when my time come. I know it sound cruel but I have suffered much mantle pain in these 30 years & still suffering
In next life & I surely wait for my turn.
Turn for that person, life being to suffer like I am suffering.
A.2. There is no other person who has the ability to give you suffering.
Not one single person, never.
Unless you have given them the power over you by hurting / harming them in any way.
Then it's your time to pay back.
Before taking birth, when we make detailed plans for the forthcoming life, we decide what emotions to experience, which Karmic debts to pay off, what to learn and unlearn, do and undo.
It is completely our choice based on what we have put in our debit and credit accounts.
You say - karma of 2 or more life beings gives us the lessons to learn in this lifetime.
If you are suffering, the root cause is you, for what you did to those 2 other beings.
They are not the cause, you have already made them suffer unbearably and it is your turn now to experience what they felt then.
If you wish to do the same to them again, then that's the reason they are not coming into your life.
Why would they want to come to suffer for your mistakes and your anger for which they are not responsible?
And now, think of when your retribution comes around again.
This cycle will keep repeating over and over again.
The same, original people will not choose to take rebirth with you because you only want revenge, whereas they would have learnt their lessons, tried to help you and will move on to a different level of experiences.
It is you who would be stuck in the Perpetrator - Victim cycle with more and more difficult people and situations to deal with.
A.2. There is no other person who has the ability to give you suffering.
Not one single person, never.
Unless you have given them the power over you by hurting / harming them in any way.
Then it's your time to pay back.
Before taking birth, when we make detailed plans for the forthcoming life, we decide what emotions to experience, which Karmic debts to pay off, what to learn and unlearn, do and undo.
It is completely our choice based on what we have put in our debit and credit accounts.
You say - karma of 2 or more life beings gives us the lessons to learn in this lifetime.
If you are suffering, the root cause is you, for what you did to those 2 other beings.
They are not the cause, you have already made them suffer unbearably and it is your turn now to experience what they felt then.
If you wish to do the same to them again, then that's the reason they are not coming into your life.
Why would they want to come to suffer for your mistakes and your anger for which they are not responsible?
And now, think of when your retribution comes around again.
This cycle will keep repeating over and over again.
The same, original people will not choose to take rebirth with you because you only want revenge, whereas they would have learnt their lessons, tried to help you and will move on to a different level of experiences.
It is you who would be stuck in the Perpetrator - Victim cycle with more and more difficult people and situations to deal with.
Q.3. Requested to please tell us in detail about birth time choices.
How we come to agree/ I will not say make the choice.
How we come to agree/ I will not say make the choice.
I have read many times about pas lives & life after death.
Please through light on birth time analysis of soul making the choice.
Please through light on birth time analysis of soul making the choice.
Why Why Why we are not given clear cut choices & ways to end our sufferings.
No not horoscope but guidance from higher soul/spirit worlds in some way or another to normal souls like me.
When we move up from the Animal Kingdom, there is tremendous fear of death for many, many of our first few hundred human lifetimes.
We are ready to kill, maim, hurt in many cruel ways.
After our deaths in those lifetimes, because we are at very low levels of understanding of the bigger picture, we return very fast to similar lifetimes full of hatred and fear and thoughts of revenge.
As we evolve and start operating from the 2nd, 3rd levels of consciousness, of money and sex, power and will, we start to slowly get the bigger picture.
Then, our choices becomes more thoughtful, to learn or experience something not harmful,
Slowly, we start to take responsibility for our actions and reduce justifying our bad behaviour.
Our choices reflect that.
The time of one's birth does not impose anything on the soul while it makes its choices.
It is its choices which will ensure those planetary configurations.
Your own past behaviour gives you wide or narrow, easy or difficult choices to make.
Why would anyone, God or anyone else, be interested in messing your happiness?
It does not matter whether you believe in being responsible for whatever has befallen you in any lifetime or not.
If you don't, it would only mean you are at a certain level of evolution.
You - all of us, started this whole journey of our own free will to enjoy creation and experience all kinds of emotions.
Everybody has made what they later realized were mistakes and made a course - correction.
That's part of learning and experiencing too.
A Past Life Regression session with each of these questions will give you very clear answers.
They will chase away all the mist and you will know exactly why you are in your present condition.
What to do with the truth, you can mull over later.
Go for it, I know you can do it.
I come across such questions in my sessions from many, many people.
Think over them, all you readers of this post -
Send me your thoughts.
See you all in the 1st week of April, I am off for a 10 - day Vipassana course.
Be Happy.
When we move up from the Animal Kingdom, there is tremendous fear of death for many, many of our first few hundred human lifetimes.
We are ready to kill, maim, hurt in many cruel ways.
After our deaths in those lifetimes, because we are at very low levels of understanding of the bigger picture, we return very fast to similar lifetimes full of hatred and fear and thoughts of revenge.
As we evolve and start operating from the 2nd, 3rd levels of consciousness, of money and sex, power and will, we start to slowly get the bigger picture.
Then, our choices becomes more thoughtful, to learn or experience something not harmful,
Slowly, we start to take responsibility for our actions and reduce justifying our bad behaviour.
Our choices reflect that.
The time of one's birth does not impose anything on the soul while it makes its choices.
It is its choices which will ensure those planetary configurations.
Your own past behaviour gives you wide or narrow, easy or difficult choices to make.
Why would anyone, God or anyone else, be interested in messing your happiness?
It does not matter whether you believe in being responsible for whatever has befallen you in any lifetime or not.
If you don't, it would only mean you are at a certain level of evolution.
You - all of us, started this whole journey of our own free will to enjoy creation and experience all kinds of emotions.
Everybody has made what they later realized were mistakes and made a course - correction.
That's part of learning and experiencing too.
A Past Life Regression session with each of these questions will give you very clear answers.
They will chase away all the mist and you will know exactly why you are in your present condition.
What to do with the truth, you can mull over later.
Go for it, I know you can do it.
I come across such questions in my sessions from many, many people.
Think over them, all you readers of this post -
Send me your thoughts.
See you all in the 1st week of April, I am off for a 10 - day Vipassana course.
Be Happy.
This is the most beautiful washing machine..cleanses life times..
Have a wonderful Vipasana
Yes I will I also try.
I am sorry; Please Forgive me & Thank You all & Love you. Sleep is more dense after doing Hoopopono meditation.
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