Sunday, May 15, 2016

Protecting the Indefensible

Hi Folks !
How's life ?

How's the weather ?
It's very, very hot here.

Nature seems to be annoyed with us.
Why would it be ?
What does it want from us ?

The Buddha put it succinctly -

Sabba papassa akaranam - Not to do evil,
kusalassa upasampada - 
to cultivate merit,
sacitta pariyodapanam - 
to purify one's mind
etam buddhana sasanam - - this is the Teaching of the Buddhas.

So simple, isn't it?
It actually is, when you think and be only in the current moment, current situation and not in the past sorrows or future anxieties.

Let us talk about a topic which keeps cropping up in past life regression sessions.

A gentleman had a daughter who was mentally challenged.
He came to find out why, and why he too was suffering.

He came from a good family, intelligent, moneyed, had a good job, was respected - the list was long.
Except for this ' shame '.
It was good he was abroad and she was in a special school under special care etc. but who would look after her when he was gone, and - well, just why me ?

He went into a past life when the daughter was a money lender and had squeezed the poor villagers of their last drop of belongings, lands, animals, money, dignity -
The money lender had lived a long life, enjoyed all the comforts and his only regret while dying was that life was coming to an end.

He'd have loved to live much longer.
I asked his consciousness to stand in front of all those who had suffered in any way because of him.

The whole village appeared, including a couple of cows and bullocks.
They were angry, cursing.
He was indifferent.

I asked him to feel what they went through.
He did not.
I asked the people to send all the vibrations created by him, back to him.
They came like darts - sharp and powerful,
but -

'They are not reaching him. Someone is standing between them and him, shielding him,' said our man.
'It is his wife who had died a long time ago. She always fasted for him and has vowed to protect him,' he said.
' Okay ' , I said, ' let her experience what the villagers felt ,' and all those vibrations shot right into the self - appointed protector of the money - lender.

Instantly, she screamed that she could not bear it and did not want to protect her husband any more.
That she had not really thought about what she was doing - while alive, or now, in spirit form but henceforth wanted to be no part of his sins.

The moment she moved, the money - lender felt the consequences of his behaviour and started to feel the heat, the anger and curses.

In this case, the retarded daughter was the money - lender but the wife was the father, who had to pay for justifying his behaviour when alive and trying to protect the indefensible even after death.

There was another case when a mother was valiantly trying to defend her beloved but crooked and cruel son from feeling the darts coming his way.

The relation may not always be of a parent and child though many times it is because it is difficult to walk away from it.
The one who stays to take care, may be the one complicit in previous wrong-doings.

There are many such cases, but it is also very important to understand that all such cases do not come from devious past lives.

Mostly, souls choose difficult lifetimes after many exhausting ones, when they want to feel unconditional love and pampering.
The parents will have agreed as a return for past deeds.

Many times, it is also a conscious decision taken after taking all past karma into account, to choose such lives for oneself or as a care giver to learn patience, kindness or to evolve faster.

About protecting the unforgivable, the lesson coming through is clear -

If you have harmed anyone in any way, you pay for it.
All those who have aided you by acts of omission or commission, will pay equally painfully.

So -

In your current life, are you hurting anyone by words or deeds?
By insulting/beating/abusing/ignoring - etc etc/

Are you letting someone close to you do the same by thinking it is not your headache and it is that victim's karma to suffer and what can you do ?

That karma will soon be yours.
There are many ways of stopping wrongdoings.

One can develop the maturity and sense to choose the correct time and method.
Do it.


Life is good.

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