Hi Folks!
How are you and how's life?!
I am writing after fifteen months!
In fact, after two years of focussed academic studies, my post started to look like an essay, so I had to rewrite and sleep over it for some days!
Life has been so difficult these last two years - to people all over the world and to mother earth, especially.
Everyone, everywhere was touched by the pandemic one way or another with death making its appearance most unexpectedly.
All the simple day-to-day activities which we take for granted as friends, relations, colleagues had to become remote from each-other for their safety and our own.
And we realized that we had to finally depend on ourselves, our own strength of mind.
We have probably been unaware takers all along.
Not just ignorant consumerists, but closer home.
There was no particular urgency to heal soured relationships, clarify issues, tell someone you liked or appreciated or respected them.
There was always tomorrow.
But suddenly, that comfort had been taken away.
Contemplate on yourself - what kind of an individual am I?
Unthinking, careless passer-by or a conscious, carer and positive contributor to the immediate family, the extended one, neighbours, friends, strangers ….
One can come to an honest conclusion about oneself and start to remain aware of it as continuously as possible.
The lockdowns have given us time to do what we should, every day, but avoid almost assiduously.
Being with oneself. Accepting, acknowledging, comfortable, honest, grounded.
And willing to learn.
Learn to be with yourself.
The shades of anger, craving, ill-will, hatred, sense of competition, jealousy - don't let them grow into mental health issues to be treated by others or by pills.
The more you pamper your defilements, the more will they harm you first.
Be more expressive in their opposites.
Show your love and respect for your parents, spouse, the elders.
Listen to them, and your children.
They are better medicines than the labels and chemicals given by doctors who are themselves overwhelmed by their burdens.
Try Anapana meditation of just 10 - minutes with Goenka Guruji's instructions.
See how your mind calms down.
I'm giving you this link:
If you google, there are other links for instructions in Hindi or for longer duration too.
Now let us learn about another wonderful quality of mind which we can develop, for our own benefit, and the benefit of others.
In western psychology, Mindfulness and meditations based on it are big since the last 40 + years.
Mindfulness (or Anapana, both mean the same) is being in the present moment without the baggage of past memories and dreams of future, living in the pure, present moment.
Moment by moment, breath by breath.
It is liberating and allows us to chuck away all the baggage we constantly carry with us thinking it is essential to warn us or motivate us.
However, in 2019, Ajhan Brahm, the Abbot of a monastery in Australia, wrote a wonderful book called 'Kindfulness: Don't just be mindful, be kindful', and advised people to practice this more wholesome method.
He says, 'Kindfulness relaxes, brings ease to the body, mind and the world. Being kindful benefits us first, and then others, which is how it should be'.
Kindness (Compassion) or Karuna is one of the meditations taught by the Buddha.
These are very sublime infinite abodes or states of mind on way to Nibbana and are accessible to all who progress in their meditation.
Truly, adding a powerful positive emotion of Kindness to Mindfulness is so much more wholesome!
There is a free PDF available, so please browse through it, download it and practice it.
If you have any questions, please send them and I shall reply in the next post.
I shall truly be more regular henceforth.
Take care.
Very truly said. And Thank you for suggestions and recommended links. Thank you for sharing the blog
Thanks for the meaningful suggestions. This is indeed a transition time and amid the disturbing hue and cry and the loud noises from all around,this peaceful intervention of people like you is much needed. I will surely do the meditation and stay aware of the defilements .
Hi did not find a link to pdf
This book is available for free download from
www.bodhinyana.com. Additionally an audiovisual version can be accessed on YouTube:
Google Kindfulness - Ajhan Brahm PDF.
You will find more than one links.
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