Monday, December 21, 2009

Ho'oponopono -2

Hi Folks !

How are you?

The year has raced on and we are about to begin a new one.

Give yourself a moment to reflect how you have changed in this one year.
I mean, from the inside.

Are you the same that you were last December?

How have you changed?
Take a moment to think.

Now lets do a Closure and a Cleansing.
Its quite powerful.

Imagine a magical plastic bag in your hands.

Starting January, bring to awareness all the bad, sad memories and blow them nice and long into this bag until there is no residue left.
Its magical, so it will grow according to requirement.

Continue for the whole year.

Then burn it with an imaginary torch and see the pile of ash turn into beautiful, colourful butterflies which fly away joyfully.

Next, wander in an imaginary garden and pick a fragrant rose for every happy memory.

Month by month.

Breathe in deeply and throw the resultant bouquet high up in the sky to let it fly away and spread happiness to all.

Do it !
You will feel light and happy and relaxed.
Do share !

Now lets answer a few queries before going on to today's subject.

Omkar has understood what Ho'oponopono essentially stands for.
It means, to rectify a wrong, to make right an error.

The heart and head will come together, eventually.
Start with those in your close family or friends or the office with whom you have differences.
After all, why have they shown up in your life?

Its the same funda of patterns, learning lessons etc in a different way!
And a beautiful, all-encompassing way of clearing.
So do the Ho'oponopono process.

Patiently and genuinely.
It works.

Navin has mentioned the Guru's light.

I suggest when you want to do Ho'oponopono, focus on the person you are doing it for, when you say the 4 lines.

No white light or golden light or the Guru.

This makes us take responsibility for our own problems and bringing in anything or anyone else will only dilute the effect.
We have a habit of attributing our problems to God's or the Master's will and we like to remain helpless about our situation, waiting for the Almighty's wish to turn our sorrow into joy.

Ho'oponopono does exactly the opposite.
Here, you take complete responsibility for whatever is happening not only to you but also what is happening ouside.

At other times, during your prayers etc, you can be with your Guru.

Now for today's post.

More on Ho'oponopono.

You know, the law of Karma is so fixated in our minds that acknowledging responsibility for whatever is happening is beyond our comprehension.

If someone is suffering, well, he's/she's just paying for what they must have done.

With one exception!

When I suffer, its because my childhood was traumatic, parents did not support, friends bullied, bad stars, rotten politicians - the further we go from specific to vague, the more vicious our language!

So what Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len did, was amazing, awesome.

In his words, Ho'oponopono is about saying to the Divine within us (The Self) :-

"I am sorry, please forgive me for whatever is going on in me that is causing me to experience the world in this way."

Each one of us is a creator of this reality that we are living in.

When something comes into your awareness, it is because you have helped create it.

To understand this in a simple way, what part of the Newspaper do you read first?

Sports? Political News? Cartoons? Pictures? The Crossword?

Why are these different things there in the Newspaper, in the first place?

They are there because of you.

Just like you create brands of clothes and jewellry and cars, you also create wars and decimate forests and destroy what you do not care about.

With Ho'oponopono, when we say these sentences with a quiet honesty, we are in essence saying to the Divinity within us that, 'I am 100% responsible, the problem is within me and I would like you to convert whatever that memory, debt or block, error or problem is, to nothing.'

It is addressing our own higher consciousness to heal and cure and improve.

In some places, there are 4 sentences mentioned-

1. I am sorry.
2. Please forgive me.
3. I love you.
4. Thank You.

Its beautiful to thank Divinity within us, which then converts this block of memory into 'nothing' and we return to our original state of clarity and the present moment where all potentiality exists.

Dr. Len's words are simple and profound-

He says, a problem is only a problem if we say it is.
More importantly, a problem is not the problem.
How we react to the problem, is the problem !

Wise man, isn't he?!

Morrnah Simeona is considered a Living Treasure of Hawaii and her profound wisdom can be summed in this one saying -

'Peace begins with me '!

How true !

We are powerful spiritual beings who are perfectly capable of turning this beautiful earth into a wonderful, spiritual place to live on.

Wish you all the very best and see you in the New Year.

Do the Ho'oponopono and spread happiness around!

Love you all-


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have difficulty digesting Ho'oponopono. I dont think as it as a practical one, if one could really do this this world would have become a better place, now its going bad to worse. I like to believe that each person should admit their mistakes and should know what is right and what is wrong and should not support the wrong things done by our own people. If you really believe in this and can do it, please make Osama-bin Laden and Dawood Ibrahim a good people and make them surrender. If am wrong forgive me and please show me the right path. Thank you