Sunday, July 18, 2010

Does Ho'oponopono work?

Hi Folks,

How are you?!

Thank you for sharing your stories.

You know, all along, I had thought that being stolen from was a way of clearing our past debt to someone. Apparently, forgetting things and losing them may also have such connotations, as the camera episode proved!

However, I think there are lessons to be learnt at a conscious level too.

Of being careful of our belongings, valuing what we have and letting go without dwelling too much if we still lose something.

Let us take up the questions/comments one by one.

The best way to go to chronologically older posts is to click on the words 'older posts' which appear after the latest post.

If anyone thinks their life is useless, and if the Universe is saying 'amen' at that moment, as it always is, well - youv'e had it!

Thoughts become things, so watch them.

All thoughts rise and disappear even when - and especially when we don't do anything about them.

When we analyse, dissect, let feelings colour them, they become powerful enough to overwhelm clarity.

So do not let negative ones pull you down nor happy ones make you dizzy.

Experience the peace and calmness of balance - it is out of this world.

Experience it now in this world, it will become a habit and lift you to a higher realm when you leave your body.

I have a request to those who send their comments in Chinese. If you can read my Blog in English, you can certainly send your comments in English too. I have had to start holding comments for moderation because some of them were unconnected to the topic or the blog - to put it delicately.

Now to get back to Vineet's comment on Ho'oponopono.

He says, 'I find it difficult to digest it and don't think it as practical. If one could really do this, the world could be a better place, now it is going from bad to worse.

I like to think that each person should admit their mistake, know what is right and wrong, and we should not accept mistakes made by our own people.

If you really believe in this, make Osama bin Laden and Dawood good people and make them surrender.

Lets refresh ourselves about Ho'oponopono.

Do you femember it?

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len did an awesome experiment on himself with the help of criminally insane patients whom he did not talk to or meet even once.

He just said to himself that these people were a physical manifestation of the violence which was deep within his own self.

He would open a case file, go through the gory details and say deeply, sincerely -

'I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.'

It is true that each person is responsible for his/her behaviour. However, at times, the odds are stacked very high. They have not realised the lessons they were meant to learn at an early stage and the downslide into crime or violence has tipped them over.

All of us have anger and hatred within us. Usually we hide it or control it because there are controls on us. When there are none, or when anger overtakes us, we too do things we regret later.

Why do I find Ho'oponopono practical and beautiful?

Because the world is a better place to live in.

All of us live in many worlds at the same time. Rushing for work. Music. Loving non-vegetarian food and cigarettes and drinking and gas-guzzlers but concerned about health and animal welfare and the Earth- all at the same time. Getting along with friends but not siblings. Hating the Boss but loving the work.

We are a mass of contradictions. Sometimes, we think we understand ourselves. Many times we don't - though we may not accept it.

The world around us is simply a mirror image of what we are inside.

If we see smiles and laughter and achievement and beauty, then that is what is inside us.

It is true that the violence and poverty are more overwhelming around us. We can't seem to avoid them - or thinking about them in an impotent rage.

Bu it helps none -

Each of us knows when we have made a mistake in our friendship or relatioship.

The times when we have used someone. Or avoided after they were not of use any more. Gossiped about. Harmed.

How many of us have the courage to accept our own dark side to ourselves? To apologise to the wronged and hurt person?

When we (mostly) lack this courage, how can we sit on judgement on others?

Owning up is not easy!

As to the third point, whether Laden or Dawood or so many others -

I would ask all of you to do the Ho'oponopono.

Dr. Len took 4 years to heal the whole ward - though he had no history of any kind of violent behaviour himself.

You may take more - or less.

It is not they that you will be healing, but the deeply hidden violence within your own self which makes you dwell on them instead of people of peace.

I have practised -Ho'oponopono many times on strained relationships - and come up trumps each time.

Try it! All you need is a loving heart and some faith, to begin with!

I hope it answers your questions, Vineet, I'm sorry for the delay.

So long for now -

I shall start taking individual Past Life Regression sessions from 1st of August.

You can send me a mail if you wish to have one.

Take care -


Ishani A Bhagwat said...

How do u suggest should we do Ho'oponopono. Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len had the entire day, the facts about his patients with their photographs documented. In addition to this he also had the privacy of his office. I tried practicing this imagining the faces of the people i wish to heal. However, I am not sure if I did it right. Can we have a procedure for this?

Light said...

A wonderful article. Thank you for sharing. I have been doing it for some time now. Lets see what happens :) - Navin

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