Hi Folks !
How's LIFE ?
Treat it Royally.
It's exclusively and uniquely yours.
Enjoy its capacity to surprise you and play with you.
Let us take up a very good question which has come on the post ' Changing our mindset'.
' The book is really wonderful however if some pain is a result of my past karma how can i lessen it in this birth ? what if i ve chosen it as a punishment for my deeds ? How will it be lessened then ? '
The book in question is ' You can heal your life ' by Louise L. Hay.
It is about our thought patterns which are deeply ingrained in us and how they cause dis-eases.
For example, if the Problem is, let's say, Root Canal, the probable cause according to Hay is - 'Can't bite into anything anymore. Root beliefs being destroyed. '
Hay then goes on to give new thought patterns which have the ability to change our mindsets and heal from within.
The honest belief that ' pain is punishment for past deeds ' holds true for many of us, at least in the Sub Continent and once upon a time, I too completely believed in it.
That whatever bad happens to me and good does not, is the result of my past Karma and I simply have to bear it.
A part of this is just a half - truth - that pain could be a result of my past karma.
But the rest is bull - shit.
Don't fall for this!
I may choose pain in this life for a variety of reasons - to experience it over a long period of time, to undergo hospitalization, to learn patience or bearing it with a smile, for someone close to us to learn the lesson of caring and loving as they tend to us -
The reason could be one or more of these or from a million others.
Each person's pain is unique, and not all have brought it as a punishment for their past deeds.
Even if it is as punishment, there is a very good possibility that when the seed cause is resolved, the pain will go away for good.
The above mentioned example of Root Canal is my own, of a couple of years ago.
I was missing my husband who had died a few months before.
I was coping well but for those few days, I had given in to the ' Poor Me' syndrome and actively started to develop guilt.
Maybe I had been a bad wife, a bad mother, a bad daughter, sister, friend, colleague and I deserved this and nothing good will happen to me and how and why should it and -
I wallowed in misery quite happily, making myself the center of my deep, terrible sorrow.
Aah - the pleasures of self - pity !
Then, on a Saturday night at about 11, I got up with an intense, unbearable pain in my tooth.
It was like never before and hammered away constantly.
The next day the Dental Clinic would be closed.
That was far away - what about NOW?!
I opened Hay's book and read what she had to say on page 197 on Root Canal.
And instantly came to my senses.
I sat down, took a few calm breaths and read the new thought pattern a few times in my mind slowly, trusting it, believing it.
It is - ' I create firm foundations for myself and for my life.I choose my beliefs to support me joyously !'
Believe me, the pain lessened, I slept deeply and ALL of it was gone by next morning.
I haven't gone to the Dentist at all !
If I had, he'd have done a Root Canal or given pain killers or whatever.
Maybe it would have subsided, but my powerful beliefs would have ensured my misery to erupt elsewhere.
The book makes you aware of how our own mental convictions limit us or harm us.
It also gives tools to heal and lead a fulfilling, happy life.
No more self - pity for me !
I am of harder stuff !
Let me give you a few examples from my Past Life Regression Sessions -
A lady found herself shovelling damp wood in an underground furnace and once that energy was dissolved, her Asthma went away for good.
In another, a man apologized to his Master for misbehaving and his Psoriasis started to heal.
A young father wanted to know why his lovely daughter suffered from cancer from a very early age and died at 6.
His father came in this case and said, - I wanted to experience hospitalization because when I died, there were not many treatments available. I also wanted to get affection from your wife but you were not married when I died. So I came as your child for a short period of time.'
Every death or pain is not punishment for some past deed.
We are much more intelligent and circumspect than we give ourselves credit for and have planned both pain and pleasures to eventually be neutral to them and overcome them.
I like to be proactive and do various things to rid myself of every kind of unhappiness because I don't for a moment believe that something is in my life without a cause.
Find it, rid it or learn patience and strength of mind to take it along.
It's there for a positive reason.
Karma is a chameleon !
You choose the colour you like !
The 4th PLR Therapists' National Convention is taking place on 9 -10th August at Radisson Blu in Pune.
The theme is Transformation.
Dr K. Newton and Dr. Laxmi will give a keynote address on Past Life Regression : A Transformational Science.
It will be followed by a mini-workshop on the same.
(Theory followed by Practical ! )
In the afternoon, there are 8 workshops on various topics and you can choose any 4 to attend and learn from.
Prior to the main Convention, on 7 - 8th, there is a 2 - day workshop - ' Beyond the Veil : Exploring Past and Future Lives and Universal Sound ' by Dr Chet Snow and Kallista Snow.
They will also give the keynote address during the Convention - 'Soul Journey : Past, Present and Future in one.
Apart from this, they too will hold a 2-hour mini-workshop on ' Steps to Successful Regression and Progression Recall for Healing '.
Google them, they have been doing very interesting stuff for the last 30 - odd years!
Their research has been on ' Mass Dreams of the Future '.
Exciting stuff !
Both these - the Pre Convention workshop and the main Convention are open to all.
You need not be a PLR Therapist or have undergone PLR to understand.
Interest, curiosity, excitement, sense of adventure, exploring - one or more of these qualities will be enough to increase your consciousness and learn a lot !
Go to the website - arrrglobal.org, find out and come !
You can register at the venue too.
See you there -
and enjoy !
How's LIFE ?
Treat it Royally.
It's exclusively and uniquely yours.
Enjoy its capacity to surprise you and play with you.
Let us take up a very good question which has come on the post ' Changing our mindset'.
' The book is really wonderful however if some pain is a result of my past karma how can i lessen it in this birth ? what if i ve chosen it as a punishment for my deeds ? How will it be lessened then ? '
The book in question is ' You can heal your life ' by Louise L. Hay.
It is about our thought patterns which are deeply ingrained in us and how they cause dis-eases.
For example, if the Problem is, let's say, Root Canal, the probable cause according to Hay is - 'Can't bite into anything anymore. Root beliefs being destroyed. '
Hay then goes on to give new thought patterns which have the ability to change our mindsets and heal from within.
The honest belief that ' pain is punishment for past deeds ' holds true for many of us, at least in the Sub Continent and once upon a time, I too completely believed in it.
That whatever bad happens to me and good does not, is the result of my past Karma and I simply have to bear it.
A part of this is just a half - truth - that pain could be a result of my past karma.
But the rest is bull - shit.
Don't fall for this!
I may choose pain in this life for a variety of reasons - to experience it over a long period of time, to undergo hospitalization, to learn patience or bearing it with a smile, for someone close to us to learn the lesson of caring and loving as they tend to us -
The reason could be one or more of these or from a million others.
Each person's pain is unique, and not all have brought it as a punishment for their past deeds.
Even if it is as punishment, there is a very good possibility that when the seed cause is resolved, the pain will go away for good.
The above mentioned example of Root Canal is my own, of a couple of years ago.
I was missing my husband who had died a few months before.
I was coping well but for those few days, I had given in to the ' Poor Me' syndrome and actively started to develop guilt.
Maybe I had been a bad wife, a bad mother, a bad daughter, sister, friend, colleague and I deserved this and nothing good will happen to me and how and why should it and -
I wallowed in misery quite happily, making myself the center of my deep, terrible sorrow.
Aah - the pleasures of self - pity !
Then, on a Saturday night at about 11, I got up with an intense, unbearable pain in my tooth.
It was like never before and hammered away constantly.
The next day the Dental Clinic would be closed.
That was far away - what about NOW?!
I opened Hay's book and read what she had to say on page 197 on Root Canal.
And instantly came to my senses.
I sat down, took a few calm breaths and read the new thought pattern a few times in my mind slowly, trusting it, believing it.
It is - ' I create firm foundations for myself and for my life.I choose my beliefs to support me joyously !'
I haven't gone to the Dentist at all !
If I had, he'd have done a Root Canal or given pain killers or whatever.
Maybe it would have subsided, but my powerful beliefs would have ensured my misery to erupt elsewhere.
The book makes you aware of how our own mental convictions limit us or harm us.
It also gives tools to heal and lead a fulfilling, happy life.
No more self - pity for me !
I am of harder stuff !
Let me give you a few examples from my Past Life Regression Sessions -
A lady found herself shovelling damp wood in an underground furnace and once that energy was dissolved, her Asthma went away for good.
In another, a man apologized to his Master for misbehaving and his Psoriasis started to heal.
A young father wanted to know why his lovely daughter suffered from cancer from a very early age and died at 6.
His father came in this case and said, - I wanted to experience hospitalization because when I died, there were not many treatments available. I also wanted to get affection from your wife but you were not married when I died. So I came as your child for a short period of time.'
Every death or pain is not punishment for some past deed.
We are much more intelligent and circumspect than we give ourselves credit for and have planned both pain and pleasures to eventually be neutral to them and overcome them.
I like to be proactive and do various things to rid myself of every kind of unhappiness because I don't for a moment believe that something is in my life without a cause.
Find it, rid it or learn patience and strength of mind to take it along.
It's there for a positive reason.
Karma is a chameleon !
You choose the colour you like !
The 4th PLR Therapists' National Convention is taking place on 9 -10th August at Radisson Blu in Pune.
The theme is Transformation.
Dr K. Newton and Dr. Laxmi will give a keynote address on Past Life Regression : A Transformational Science.
It will be followed by a mini-workshop on the same.
(Theory followed by Practical ! )
In the afternoon, there are 8 workshops on various topics and you can choose any 4 to attend and learn from.
Prior to the main Convention, on 7 - 8th, there is a 2 - day workshop - ' Beyond the Veil : Exploring Past and Future Lives and Universal Sound ' by Dr Chet Snow and Kallista Snow.
They will also give the keynote address during the Convention - 'Soul Journey : Past, Present and Future in one.
Apart from this, they too will hold a 2-hour mini-workshop on ' Steps to Successful Regression and Progression Recall for Healing '.
Google them, they have been doing very interesting stuff for the last 30 - odd years!
Their research has been on ' Mass Dreams of the Future '.
Exciting stuff !
Both these - the Pre Convention workshop and the main Convention are open to all.
You need not be a PLR Therapist or have undergone PLR to understand.
Interest, curiosity, excitement, sense of adventure, exploring - one or more of these qualities will be enough to increase your consciousness and learn a lot !
Go to the website - arrrglobal.org, find out and come !
You can register at the venue too.
See you there -
and enjoy !
1 comment:
9thanks for your kind reply mam. so many doubts desolved. i just got my aura testing done at rudralife. as i thought it would be no problems at wirkplace but issues on family front so i am asked to meditate on heart chakra and manipur chakra . i try but not everyday. want to be more regular though. i will
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