Hi Folks !
How's life ?
The rains are here and it is time to take care of one's health, enjoy the rains and eat spicy fried bhajiya - all at the same time !
It is also time to be curious of ancient practices of the ascetics.
Let us understand a bit about The Buddha's Vassavas and how to incorporate that spirit in today's lifestyle.
Vassa in Pali language means Rain.
And Vas means Retreat.
In the Buddha's time, his monks were encouraged to travel constantly, teaching and explaining the Dhamma, the regular practice of which would eventually lead one out of misery.
His words were, ' Go forth, O Bhikkus, for the good of the many, for the happiness of the many, out of compassion for the world, for the benefit, for the good, for the happiness of gods and men .'
So the monks meditated, travelled, taught and preached.
People in villages and towns took care of their bare necessities like food and shelter.
They would go on an alms-round and eat what was given.
But when the rains arrived, it would be difficult to cross rivers and forests.
There would be floods and diseases.
Lay people found it difficult to visit them, learn from them and solve their own doubts and questions.
The Buddha then decreed that the rainy season would be spent in one place, a monastery, which would mainly give the monks an extended period of intensive meditation.
They could meditate deeply,
Lay people from surrounding areas could come for the evening discourse, ask questions and understand the Dhamma better, aiding their spiritual development.
He himself spent 24 Vassavas in a row, at Jetvana in Sravasti.
Remains of his hut are still there and it is a powerful place full of energy.
His Five precepts were, to abstain from - killing, stealing, sensual misconduct, false speech and consuming intoxicants.
In a Vipassana course, when you start on Zero day, you take a vow to follow these precepts for the duration of the course.
When you absorb the benefits and start to experience the positive, calming effects in your routine life after the course, you slowly start to practice them as much as possible outside the course too.
How can you do your own Vassavas in today's world without going to a monastery?
Start by sitting quietly in some place where you would not be disturbed for some time.
Let the thoughts come up as you quietly breathe in and breathe out.
The mind will get into all kinds of muddle at first, but will start to relax and slow down.
Now think of one or two of your own mental habits which you would like to change.
Maybe it is Short Temper.
Many such shades of your own behaviour will come up, stay for a while and move on.
Which do you think hurts or harms you the most ?
Choose one to begin, with as there could be more than one.
Decide for yourself that you are going to try and get rid of it's influence on you just for these 3 months.
This is your own Rain Retreat, your own mind is your Monastery and your higher self dwelling inside, your Buddha.
This calls for awareness of your mind's cleverness in creating hurdles in your trying to master it.
Accept it, if you happen to fail often in the beginning.
Cut its chatter, don't get into a dialogue with it, it will tie you up in knots and exhaust you.
Start again.
With a calm and quiet mind.
Alert and equanimous mind.
Trust yourself, you can.
Some of you may choose to start on an exercise regime.
Go for a walk every morning.
Get up and do Yoga for 30 minutes.
It is all about practicing, not reading or listening or watching/visiting holy places.
Dwell in the holiest which is inside you.
Love it and cleanse it diligently at least for these 3 months.
This year's Rain Retreat begins on 26th July.
A day after The Buddha set the Dhamma Chakka rolling.
Set your own wheel of happiness rolling!
Be your own Master for these 3 months.
Life is beautiful.
1 comment:
mam, in hindu religion this period of spiritual growth and introspection is of 4 months called chaturmaas. jainism also propagates the importance of this period of chaturmaas. wonderful time to arise and awake
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