Saturday, November 21, 2015

Why do miscarriages happen ?

Hi Folks !
How is life ?

How was your Diwali?
Last year I was at the Dhammabodhi Vipassana Center serving long courses and compared to Pune, the festival in Bodhgaya was very quiet.

This time too, I was in wonderful environment.

My Pali classes at the University had Diwali vacations exactly during the same days that an 8 - day intensive Vipassana course was to be conducted at Nasik!
So off I went to go through the wringer and came out lighter.

In today's post, we are going to look at a serious topic.
I reproduce the mail I received some time ago and I am sorry for the delay in my reply.

'I wanted to know if miscarriage is also a kind of death? 
Why would a soul decide to take birth & then quit halfway? 
What does it achieve apart from giving grief to its would-be parents?
Is it insane to think that the same soul would return to the same parents after a few months? 
Is it possible?'

Let's look at the questions one by one.
I have been asked these many times before, in Sessions, during talks and in mails.

But let's go back further, to the core question -
What is death?

You, me, each one of us has taken a physical body to come on this earth.
That's birth.

Each one of us will one day leave the physical body we have taken on.
That's death.

That's it, that's all there is to it.

You, me each one of us, are not the physical body that we come in.
We just inhabit it for a while.

Like a dress or a part in a play.
We don't need this any more and want to choose another.

We may call ourselves soul / consciousness / spirit / chetana / chaitanya - whatever, it doesn't matter, really.

Yes, miscarriage is also death.
A physical body has started to grow in the mother's womb and then, it leaves half - way through.

Now here's something important.

The soul which eventually inhabits that body, may not be in there all the time every moment after conception!
It zips in and out, going back to it's original home as it is still closer to it and does not need to be in the body all the time.

When someone asked for forgiveness as she had miscarried, she was told that one single soul had not yet decided on coming and they thought that she and her husband needed time to adjust to each - other.
so the baby had left and she had had a child after a couple more years.

Each soul makes a pact with it's would - be mother and father and siblings and many others with whom it has to clear Karmic debts or come together for other purpose.

The Agreements are made before the parents are born, believe me.
Nothing is chance, or god - knows - why.

There are countless reasons for a soul to leave half way and actually, the reason is really unique to that soul and those parents.
There cannot be a general statement on the reasons.

Some times the parents have their own issues to resolve and then have the baby.
They come with their habit patterns but instead of changing, they become more strident.

Short tempered or abusive or insensitive or stingy - if the baby feels it's own purpose of life is not going to be fulfilled, it decides to go right back and choose a more opportune time or a different set of parents to complete it's Karma with.

At such times, it's pain and grief is much, much more than the parents' who are not even aware of this big picture.

And many do not choose to come back to the same parents ( though some do ).

There was this case of a baby boy who died few days after he was born.
The doctors said it was some one - in - a million disease.

The parents were shattered.
The father came for a session and the baby boy came to speak to him.

' My mother is still very self - centered. She was arrogant in many past lives too and in one, just because she thought she was not being given enough importance, she committed suicide.

I was a small child and needed her desperately but she gave me no love, so absorbed was she in herself.
I came for this short period to make her understand what I went through'.

He told the father he loved him and if he came back, it would be for him.

Many women with  a history of miscarriages find out in a Past Life Regression Session that they have been uncaring of their children as mothers or fathers in previous life times.

Many have gone to past abortions of current life times which have been the result of unprotected, unthinking sex when they have gone to 'get rid of the child'.

A child is not a thing to be rid of.
It is to be planned and welcomed with maturity and love.

Miscarriages happen when either or both parents are not ready / mature / have chosen to go through this pain to learn to value life and relationships as a larger lesson to learn.

The best way to go about avoiding this and have happy children is to examine yourself.
Love yourself.
Be honest and soften the sharp edges.
Be kind to yourself..

We are so very hard on ourselves.
Please don't be.

Life is beautiful and we are a work in progress.


Unknown said...

My mother also had one miscarriage

Madhushree Deb said...

That's a lovely post Ma'am. This makes a lot of sense and helps us to make amendments in our course of life. I was wondering whether unplanned children who come to this world have a purpose - both for themselves and their parents. Can you please shed some light on it?