Saturday, December 12, 2015

Light a camp-fire by a beach

Hi Folks!
How are you doing?

The year ends soon.
Did you know where it went?!

We will do our cleansing later, let us answer a question which came up on the post on Miscarriages -

'This makes a lot of sense and helps us to make amendments in our course of life. I was wondering whether unplanned children who come to this world have a purpose - both for themselves and their parents. Can you please shed some light on it'?

You know, nothing is unplanned.
In our Life's Purpose which we chalk out in detail before taking birth, we plan to be careful / circumspect / plan properly / not get carried away / not be careless / not use our sexuality or power over another and so on.

We programme this into our agenda because we decide that we have done this before and enough, we want to evolve a little more.
So we bring our habit - pattern, ensure it triggers by the agreements we have made with other people with whom we have Karmic Debts to clear and either give in or start to battle it and retain / learn self - control.
Thereby achieving the purpose.

At times, a soul has to learn lessons in lack of love, support or poverty and chooses to come as an unplanned child who has to undergo various shades of deprivation.
It may not always be cruelty, just the parents's helplessness as both go out to work or there are other children and this one feels left out or unwanted.

Then it is a lesson for the child too.

They may have also chosen such a life because they were the eldest / or responsible ones in previous lives and wanted to be pampered or taken care of now.
Many such children have gone on to do very well in life too.

Each such ' unplanned ' child's reason will be different, pertaining to it's karma.
Each of them too comes with its Destiny.

When we are in lower 3 levels of consciousness, we have all kinds of fear and react instantly with our animal instincts.
There is no pausing to think or awareness of any lesson plan or lesson or evolution.
All that is either blind faith, or handed over to the gods and deities and gurus to resolve in a way demanded by us.

So we need to stop for a little while and ponder over all aspects of our nature and behaviour.
And be honest.

Do I just seem to flow away distractedly and then thrash about when I flounder or do I try to make amends by thinking of the consequences to myself and others.

Have you been with this blog since the last few years at least, if not from the beginning ?
If you have not, over a period of time, get around to reading all the posts.
You will get the bigger picture of your life and feel more grounded.

Now sit in a nice, calm place and let's do our cleansing -
Create a lovely beach with beautiful laves lapping gently.

There is a campfire to your left and a huge gold basket to your right.
Walk to the campfire, extend your hands over it and close your eyes.

Whatever your age, let all the sorrow, misery, hopelessness, anger, helplessness, hatred, tears - everything that has pained you and hurt you in the last year, come up and flow into the fire through your fingers.

Go back in parcels of 2 or 5 years.
Feel the negativity flow out as streams of dirty water or black clouds or sand or in any other form it wants to.
Focus and start to feel the lightness as it grows when the weight of all that you are carrying moves out, to be burnt.

Work right back to your conception.
Wait until you feel all the weight is gone.

If you are doing this for the first time, you may feel confused or silly or bored.
That's the mind playing it's dirty tricks, wanting you to remain sad so that it can control you and keep you unhappy and rule you.

When you feel you have finished, come back to your original place and take a couple of calm breaths.
Next, go to the golden basket, extend your hands and this time, let all that is happy, positive,  laughter, friendship, togetherness, forgiveness and kindness -let it flow out into the basket.

Work back till your conception.
Give this too some time.
Allow your self to feel completely, or as empty as you can.

Now pick up the basket, hold it aloft on your head and turn it upside down.
This joyous positive energy will shower on you, go right inside to every pore, every cell and fill it up.
The gold basket will also turn into a shower of blessing.

Bring down your hands by your side and let it swirl around you, cleansing your aura, sealing the lightness inside.
Stay for a while, let your mind return to calmness, let the peace flow throughout your body.

Now spread your hands, bow your head and express Gratitude to whoever flashes in your mind.
Then to your family, friends, enemies, the country, the world, Mother Earth, the Universe.

This is close to the Metta Bhavana taught by the Buddha.
We have to be happy and at peace to give it.

We have to acknowledge and own our joys and sorrows and start to learn to remain calm in both.
In this yearly ( at least ) exercise, when stuff comes up, we bring out all that is festering and throw it away.
All that may slyly make us egotistical and throw that away too.
Then there will be balance.
Not boring but that which expands us and gives strength.

Ask the Universe to guide you on the correct path, that you are ready to evolve.
This thought sent after cleansing, forgiving / seeking forgiveness, letting go, reaches is powerful and brings peace and happiness.

I attended the North - East Indian  Film Festival last week, and will tell you some amazing stories about it in the New Year's post.

Be Happy !
Enjoy the rest of the year.

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