Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Full Moon of Vesak

Hi Folks !
This is me, back after almost 4 months !

How's life been with you ?
We are so lucky it keeps moving, keeps changing every minute, every moment.

Imagine being stuck, stagnant !
Like stagnant pools which stink, wither, withdraw.

There is no active energy left in them.
They are dead long before they dry out.

You aren't stagnant in past moments by any chance, are you ?!
Past situations or people who have moved on - past or present ?

Forget them in a nice way.

Sit in a nice calm place.
And bring up your warts and wounds consciously.

Dwell on each just for a few moments.
People may pop up.
Or situations.
Say, ' Thank you for the lesson. I let you go now.'

And let it go.
Breathe out long and soft and allow yourself to feel the weight being reduced deep inside you.

You will know how much you were carrying only once you have lost the burden.

After a bit of wrangling because we loooove the ' poor - me' energy, you may realize that the painful ones have gone.

But the happy ones, why should you let them go ?

Well, after an awesome, tasty meal, you do want to eat again after a few hours, right ?!
Do you retain the earlier one forever ?!
You will have to rush to the doctor to remove the waste forcibly.

It's the same.
People and situations come for a while and go.

You do the same in other people's lives.
When you hanker for newer experiences, newer delights and excitements, be ready with space to absorb them.

Make place for newer happy memories, happy situations and people.
Empty yourself out.

Today will be the night of the full moon of Vesak.
The day Siddharth Gautam achieved what he had set out for, with a quiet determination of millions of past lifetimes.
This is the day he was born, was enlightened about the ultimate truth and after teaching the technique for the same to everyone who came forward for it, for 45 long years, he left his mortal body.

All on the full moon of Vesak, the month of May.

On this day of wonderful energy, pay your debt of gratitude to whoever comes to your mind.

Dwell on whether you are ready for a positive change in your life.

All the recriminations, defeats, sadness, loss, poverty of relationships, money, joy - you planned and brought it in your life to resolve each of these and move on to something better.

Not to be unhappy the whole life, unless you consciously wish it.
That's the truth.

Be happy.
It's so much better than being unhappy !

1 comment:


where u were for all these days mam. Missed u na