Saturday, December 30, 2017

Awareness is the key

Hi Folks !
How's Life ?!

It's that time of the year - to look back and take stock and smile and flow with more ease in the New Year.

So how have you been ?
These last couple of months, I've been exceptionally busy doing every thing I love to do - so I did not realize how time went by.

Please do forgive this delay !

There were some very powerful sessions of Regression where some people were ready to face facts, were brave enough to admit their mistakes to those they had hurt, release those knots - and themselves from future pain.

They went with a wider and deeper knowledge of Life and Karma, Destiny and Free Will.
They went away feeling empowered and after many months, are leading lighter, happier, more fulfilled lives.

But over so many years of taking sessions, I am coming across more people who do not tell the truth when they come for a session.
They are secretive, self - centered and unwilling to accept any mistake on their part even if it is staring in their face.

Their agenda is to just get answers that they want to justify their own selfish, many times cruel behaviour with those who are their responsibility or are loving and supporting them.

When other angles are taken into account, they come out as the dissatisfied, negative perpetrator who's stuck on keeping the image in tact but it is a false veneer.

They know this deep inside, but feel they will get away with it.
Karma is a boomerang which comes back with as much or more ferocity.

My request is, try to be honest with yourself.
Stop using people, stop harming them in your deeds and thoughts.
Be careful of your thoughts, they are seeds, very powerful ones at that.

Other than my sessions, I was busy travelling to some beautiful places and meeting friends - some after 30 years, others after 40 !

Do you have such friends who have shared your childhood worries and giggles ?
Cherish them if you do.
They are precious, just as you are precious to them.
Try to put in an element of respect in your friendship, meet together, laugh, share.

Pause and dwell, if you do not.

Some times, people with a long list of lacunae in many fields in their lives may not be aware that they have brought these situations to learn from.
That in one way or other, others do not find them desirable as a friend, someone to be comfortable with and the fault lies in their attitude.

People are in you lives to teach you values too, not just be your audience.
Learn to be genuinely interested in them, you will enrich your life by doing so.

Try to go alone to the hills or mountains and soak up the smiles of the locals.
Their contented lives, relaxed chat, hard work.

I did that for 10 days and came away grinning ear to ear, charged for all the wonderful things that are going to happen to me.

Let;s do our exercise to cleanse the downs and clean the slate.

Stand in front of a table which has a huge jute bag.
Extend your hands over its mouth, not touching it.

Allow all the sadness, confusion, anger, depression - all that is negative - to flow into the bag.
Ensure all the heaviness of the current year goes away.

If you feel vibrations are continuing to flow out, let them.
Trust yourself and start to feel lighter.

Once you feel you are done, request your spirit guide to hand you a glowing torch.
Put it into the jute bag and let it burn your baggage down.

Blow the ash away.
Now, be still and wait for the shower of positive energy which will fill up each and every cell of yours.

Thank your spirit guide and the Universe.

Smile !
Have a good year end and a great new year !

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